Early Learning Workforce TagTricycle

The wages, benefits, and professional development opportunities of the early learning workforce meet their needs and reflect their professional role and value within the community.

Mean Annual Out-of-Pocket Cost that Child Care Staff Pay for Training and Professional Development Opportunities



Number and Type of Licensed Child Care Locations Serving Children 5 and Under

38 (11 centers, 27 Family Child Care Homes)

Source: Child Care Aware of Washington “2019 Data Report: Trends, Child Care Supply, Cost of Care, & Demand for Referrals,” p. 42.

Child Care Center Profit Margins for Infant and Toddler Care



Mean Hourly Wage for Child Care Workers Relative to Median Hourly Wage in Walla Walla County


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics & All Early Learning Data (Community Council)  

Proportion of Staff Turnover at Local Licensed Child Care Locations


Source: E look for state level data

Annual Number of ECE Graduates of Certificates and Degrees from Walla Walla Community College

2019: 35

2020: 39

Source: Walla Walla Community College Institutional Research Office