Early Learning Experiences TagBlocks

Every child has access to safe, engaging and positive early learning experiences that prepare them for school and lifetime success. Families have access to the child care options that best suit their needs.

Percent of 2-Parent Family Income Required for Full-Time Child Care

Infant (averaged In-Home or Center): 20.1 %

Toddler ( averaged In-Home or Center):17.6 %

Preschooler (averaged In-Home or Center): 15.1 %

Source: Walla Walla Valley Early Learning Coalition Source: X

Source: x  

Percentage of Families with Children with Diagnosed Special Needs who have Successfully Accessed Child Care



Median Monthly Cost of Licensed Child Care by Age and Type

Infant $758 In-Home; $1275 Center

Toddler $758 In-Home; $1023 Center

Pre-School $655 In-Home; $869 Center

Source: : Child Care Aware of Washington “2019 Data Report: Trends, Child Care Supply, Cost of Care, & Demand for Referrals,” p. 28-30. https://childcareawarewa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2019-Data-Report.pdf

Proportion of Children Whose Families are Unable to Access Affordable Child Care

47% of 228 children in early 2020

73% of 208 children in fall 2020

Source: Walla Walla Valley Early Learning Coalition 2020 Child Care Survey