Community Overview Banner

Information on the demographics, diverse structures and financial metrics of Walla Walla County families and households. Provides context for understanding how the youngest members of our community are doing and how they can be best cared for.

Percentage of Children Native and Foreign-Born

97.3% Native born

2.7% Foreign born

Source: Kids Count:881,882,4607/11562,11561

Under 5 Population by Race/Ethnicity

Hispanic 45%

Non-Hispanic White 48%

Non-Hispanic 2 or More Race Groups 5%

Non-Hispanic Asian 1%

Non-Hispanic Black 1%

Source: Kids Count: 6947,6982,49/any/compared,single#ind4881

Cost of Living (100=U.S. Average)

Walla Walla 93.3

College Place 96.1

Touchet 92

Waitsburg 88.5

Prescott 79.6


Median Family Income Families with and without Children under 18

$60,490 with children

$69,513 without children

Source: Kids Count: 1691, 1607, 1572, 1485, 1376, 1201, 1074, 880, 815/4655, 4656, 872/10943